Blockext is a Python library for writing Scratch 2.0 (and Snap!) extensions.

An extension is a set of additional blocks that can be used in Scratch to call external functions. This lets you send commands from Scratch or read values into Scratch that you can’t do otherwise.

For example, you can use an extension to control hardware connected to your computer, such as a Lego Mindstorms robot. Or you could use an extension to connect to a web service to read weather forecasts into Scratch.


To add an extension block to Scratch, you need to do two things. First, you write the Python code that implements the block’s functionality. Then, you need to tell Scratch about the block, so it knows how to use it.

In Blockext, those two steps are separate:

Finally, you bring them together in an Extension object.

Let’s see an example!

from blockext import *

class Tutorial:
    def __init__(self):
        self.light = False

    def do_toggle_light(self, times):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

    def is_light_on(self):
        return self.light

    def get_weather(self, day, city):
        import random
        return random.choice(["sunny", "cloudy", "windy"])

descriptor = Descriptor(
    name = "Tutorial Example",
    port = 5001,
    blocks = [
        Block('do_toggle_light', 'command', 'press light switch %n times',
        Block('is_light_on', 'predicate', 'light is on?'),
        Block('get_weather', 'reporter', 'weather in'),
    menus = dict(
        day = ["today", "yesterday"],
        city = ["Barcelona", "Boston", "Bournemouth"],

extension = Extension(Tutorial, descriptor)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is a pretty simple extension, with only three blocks.

It’s a little confused about its identity – it provides both weather-forecasting and light-switching functionality – even though we normally like our extensions to be very focused (just support one piece of hardware). But we’ll forgive it that for now.

Let’s see how it works…

from blockext import *

This probably looks familiar: it just imports the blockext library so we can use it.

class Tutorial:
    def __init__(self):
        self.light = False

    def do_toggle_light(self, times):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

    def is_light_on(self):
        return self.light

    def get_weather(self, day, city):
        import random
        return random.choice(["sunny", "cloudy", "windy"])

This defines the class for the extension code. It has three methods, since it contains code for three blocks.

This sentence is here because Markdown sucks.

descriptor = Descriptor(
    name = "Tutorial Example",
    port = 5001,
    blocks = [
        Block('do_toggle_light', 'command', 'press light switch %n times',
        Block('is_light_on', 'predicate', 'light is on?'),
        Block('get_weather', 'reporter', 'weather in'),
    menus = dict(
        day = ["today", "yesterday"],
        city = ["Barcelona", "Boston", "Bournemouth"],

This makes the descriptor object. We specify the name and port, list the blocks, and give the menu options.

The Block objects are important, so let’s take a closer look.

Block('do_toggle_light', 'command', 'press light switch %n times',

It has the following arguments:

Finally, we create and run the extension:

extension = Extension(Tutorial, descriptor)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This runs the extension in debug mode. The __name__ == '__main__' part makes sure that we can import the Python file without running the extension (which is important for the launcher, as we’ll see later on).


Okay – let’s try it out! Save and run the Python file, and point your browser at http://localhost:5001. You should see the following page:

Hit one of those links to download the blocks, and head to the relevant section to figure out how to load the extension into your favourite program:


Open the Scratch 2 Offline Editor.

Shift-click the “File” menu, and select “Import Experimental Extension”.

Select the .s2e file you just downloaded to load the extension blocks into Scratch.

You can then select the “More Blocks” tab to see your blocks.


Open in your browser.

Drag the .xml file you just downloaded into the Snap! window.

(If that doesn’t work, use “Import” from the “File” menu instead.)

You can then select the “Variables” tab to see your blocks.

Using the blocks

You can click any of the blocks to test them out, just like the built-in Scratch/Snap! blocks.

Try “say”-ing the “light is on?” and “weather forecast” blocks, and try using the “press switch” block to change the value of the light reporter.

Next steps

Congrats! You now know everything you need to write an extension that connects to Scratch in order to control Python code of your own devising.

The next step is to find a Python library for whatever hardware (or software) you want to interface with Scratch, and write block implementations!

But don’t forget to come back and read on – there’s some useful stuff about what to do when the hardware isn’t connected, and how to remove or change blocks while maintaining backwards-compatibility.


What we’ve done so far works fine as long as the hardware’s always available. But imagine the following extension:

class MyRobot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.robot = Robot.connect()

    def do_move(self, distance):

At first, this looks fine. But connecting to the hardware inside your class’s __init__ method is a stunningly bad idea:

To make our extensions proof against not-connected-ness, we need to do two things:

To solve these problems, you need to write specially-named methods on your class. Let’s see how they work!


To solve the problem of automatically reconnecting, make a method called _is_connected.

Every time Scratch/Snap! wants to run a block, Blockext will call that method first. If it returns True, blockext will carry on as usual. If it returns False, blockext will give up, since calling the block will likely raise an error. But it will keep trying at regular intervals, until method returns True again.

This method is entirely optional. If you leave it out, blockext will act as if it always returns True, and behave as normal.

The method looks something like this:

class MyRobot:
    def __init__(self):
        self.robot = None

    def _is_connected(self):
        if self.robot.has_gone_away():
            self.robot = False

        if not self.robot:
                self.robot = Robot.connect()
            except RobotNotFound:

        return bool(self.robot)


Obviously the robot API is entirely made up; this is just supposed to suggest what the method might look like.


Now we’re automatically reconnecting, we just need to tell the user our current status. To do this, make a method called _problem.

If there’s a problem, it should return a string describing the problem, which should help the Scratch user troubleshoot. If everything’s working correctly, it should just return None.

Again, this method is entirely optional. If you leave it out, blockext will act as if it always returns None.

Here’s what it might look like:

class MyRobot:

    def _problem(self):
        if not self.robot:
            return "The robot is not connected"


This method is currently only supported by Scratch.

As long as it returns None, the traffic light-colored status indicator displayed next to the extension name will remain green, indicating Scratch is connected to the extension and the extension is connected to the hardware.

If it instead returns a string, the status indicator will turn from green to yellow, indicating Scratch is connected to the extension, but the extension is not connected to the hardware. Hovering over the indicator will display a tooltip with the string returned by _problem.



There is a third specially-named method: _on_reset.

This is triggered when the red stop button is clicked in Scratch. It should reset the extension to its initial state, for example stopping all motors.

This method is currently only supported by Scratch.

Deprecating blocks

After you release your extension, and people are using it, you may find you want to change things.

Here are some tips on what not to change, in order to keep backwards compatibility:

However, you can deprecate blocks without removing them. And if you want to change how a block works, you can deprecate that block and make a new one with a new block selector.

Imagine we want to deprecate the “press light switch” block, and replace it with a block that presses the light switch only once.

We remove the old block from the descriptor, and replace it with the new one:

descriptor = Descriptor(
    name = "Tutorial Example",
    port = 5001,
    blocks = [
        Block('do_toggle_light_once', 'command', 'press light switch'),
        Block('is_light_on', 'predicate', 'light is on?'),
        Block('get_weather', 'reporter', 'weather in'),
    menus = dict(
        day = ["today", "yesterday"],
        city = ["Barcelona", "Boston", "Bournemouth"],

Then we add a method for the new block (while keeping the method for the old one unchanged):

class Tutorial:

    def do_toggle_light(self, times):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

    def do_toggle_light_once(self):
        self.light = not self.light


Finally, we give the extension a new argument, deprecated_blocks, which is a list containing the block we removed.

extension = Extension(Tutorial, descriptor, deprecated_blocks=[
    Block('do_toggle_light', 'command', 'press light switch %n times',

Now, when we run the extension, it’ll still have the code for the old block, so all the existing projects using our extension will still work – but when we load the new version of the extension in Scratch, we’ll only see the new block, and not the old one!

Rearranging things

You might like to put the block information next to the methods that implement the block’s code. You can do this by using a Python feature called decorators. It looks like this:


class Tutorial:
    def __init__(self):
        self.light = False

    @command('press light switch %n times',
    def do_toggle_light(self, times):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

    @predicate('light is on?'),
    def is_light_on(self):
        return self.light

    @reporter('weather in'),
    def get_weather(self, day, city):
        import random
        return random.choice(["sunny", "cloudy", "windy"])

descriptor = Descriptor(
    name = "Tutorial Example",
    port = 5001,
    blocks = get_decorated_blocks_from_class(Tutorial),
    menus = dict(
        day = ["today", "yesterday"],
        city = ["Barcelona", "Boston", "Bournemouth"],


The block selector is magically deduced from the function’s name. The descriptor uses get_decorated_blocks_from_class() to magically construct the blocks list from the decorated functions on the class.

If the function has a docstring, it will also magically use that as the help text for the block. (The help text is currently only supported by Snap!).

However, be aware that this makes deprecating blocks more awkward.

For example, to deprecate do_toggle_light in favour of do_toggle_light_once, you’d now have to do this:

class Tutorial:

    @command('press light switch %n times', defaults=[1])
    def do_toggle_light(self, times):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

    @command('press light switch')
    def do_toggle_light_once(self):
        for i in range(times):
            self.light = not self.light

descriptor = Descriptor(
    name = "Tutorial Example",
    port = 5001,
    blocks = get_decorated_blocks_from_class(Tutorial, [
    menus = dict(
        day = ["today", "yesterday"],
        city = ["Barcelona", "Boston", "Bournemouth"],

extension = Extension(Tutorial, descriptor,
    deprecated_blocks=get_decorated_blocks_from_class(Tutorial, [


This feature’s not quite ready yet. Nearly there though…


One day, there will be a launcher. You don’t need to know how it works, except for the following:

It will work by importing the Extension object from the Python package containing the extension.

Aside: This is one of the reasons why there are three separate things (your class, and the Extension and Descriptor objects): so that the information is separate from the methods, and the launcher can get to the information. (The main reason that Descriptor is separate from your class is that otherwise blockext would get confused between extension attributes – like name and port – and methods implementing block code.)

So it’s important that you only run the extension inside the following if statement:

if __name__ == '__main__':

The __name__ == '__main__' part ensures the extension only runs if you run the extension file on its own. When the launcher imports the Python file, it’ll ignore the “run” part, so the launcher can take care of running the extension by itself.
